Actor references

Like with identity, actors provide a way to be referenced regardless of their concrete existence in memory.

Ultramarine provide opaque objects called actor_ref that allow user-code to interact with actors, just like pointers. Actor references can be freely created, moved, copied and sent as message arguments.

Referencing an actor

All actor references are created using an identity key, unique to each actor. Referencing an actor by it’s key in code:

ultramarine::actor_ref<example> ref = ultramarine::get<example>(my_key);

Creating a reference to an actor doesn’t allocate resources. Furthermore, holding a reference to an actor does not mean anything concerning the current state of the referenced actor.

Scheduling a message

Actor references provide an intuitive way of scheduling a message to an actor, via operator->:

auto future = ref->my_message(my_argument);

Alternatively, a more verbose syntax is also available, using the struct message created by the ULTRAMARINE_DEFINE_ACTOR macro:

auto future = ref.tell(example::message::my_message, my_argument);